Here I am. Again.
Here I stand again
Again in chained
Again with no grain
Again with pain
But here You are again
Again with Mercy
Again with Love
Again with Me
Thank you once again
The true reality is that we humans are like dirty rags. We are always trying to clean this rag as much as we can but every day, we swipe the rag into something filthy knowing or unknowing and it becomes dirty once again seemingly impossible to keep it clean. It becomes a tiresome cycle, although you continue to do so because if you don't you know the rag soon after starts to smell. We are not perfect, as much as we try to be perfect (a clean rag) it comes to a moment where we screw up (a dirty rag).
We can easily confess our screw-ups, repent, move on, and try better next time but if we don't and continue to willingly do whatever we want not caring how dirty our rag gets it comes to a point where it becomes a sinful lifestyle (smelly rag) and who likes the smell of stinky rags. Although despite knowing how to keep a clean rag we can’t deny how tiresome it can become.
So I offer you a solution to rest from your constant cleaning, let yourself be loved through the middle of it and rest upon such love. I again and again get dirty; I strive to be otherwise, but I always fall short, and people can tell. And just like me, they don’t like the smell of dirty rags. But there is one who knows of my estate and still yet decides to Love me and clean me over and over again. I love him for that.
“We have come to know [by personal observation and experience], and have believed [with deep, consistent faith] the love which God has for us. God is love, and the one who abides in love abides in God, and God abides continually in him.” - 1 John 4:16 AMP